Painting for Photographers

You provide a small JPEG for evaluation and the client’s preferred technique: painting, watercolor, pastel, or pencil sketch. We will be happy guide you, and your client, in the best technique to suit your portrait. Prices for the finished artwork are determined by the subject matter and you will receive a quote once the artist has evaluated the image and confirmed the requested technique. All orders must be paid in full via Paypal or personal check before the work can begin.

Once payment is complete, we will request a file no smaller than 8x10, 300dpi. We will resize your file to either 16x20 300dpi or 18x22 300 dpi, depending on the composition of your image. Your finished piece will be delivered to you in this size on archival disc, which is adequate for retaining painting detail in large scale prints, for you to print at the lab of your choice. We can provide specific printing techniques if necessary, such has how to present your final portrait on watercolor paper, etc., but the final presentation is determined by you.

My Style
My preferred style of painting is photo realistic and detail oriented. I work very hard to keep the original intention of the photo, and I believe the painting technique should enhance the image, not change it radically. All the detail in your final painting will be sharp, yet have the feeling of a master oil painting.

Our services are only available to professional photographers and a sample packet and price list is available upon request. We have recently added evaluation and development of print competition images to our services. Check out the blog for more information.

All photographs on this site are by MaryAnn Talamo, unless otherwise specified.